Neuronal Dynamics

First-edition Errata


This is an ongoing collection of errata to the first edition of the Neuronal Dynamics textbook. Errata marked by a checkmark have been corrected in the online edition. Should you find any errors, please write to Wulfram Gerstner.

Part I.

  • Ch1.S3: After Eq. (1.8), the reference to (Fig. 1.7, thick line) has been replaced by (Fig. 1.7).
  • Ch1.S3: In Eq. (1.17), a missing Heaviside function should be added
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch1.S3: In Eq. (1.22), a missing term urest has been added on the right-hand-side
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch2.S2: In the battery symbols of Fig. 2.2 we should switch the long and short lines for 'leak' and 'Na' if we want to follow the convention of battery symbols which states that the longer black line indicates the positive terminal of the battery.
    (thanks to Rich Engle)
  • Ch2.S2: in Table (2.1), the equations for the sodium inactivation properties αh\alpha_h and βh\alpha_h have been corrected from:
    1/[1+e-(u+62)/ 6]1\,/\,[1+e^{-(u+62)\,/\,6}] and 4e(u+90)/12/[1+e-(u+62)/ 6]4e^{(u+90)/12}\,/\,[1+e^{-(u+62)\,/\,6}]
    to the new expressions:
    0.25 e-(u+90)/120.25\;e^{-(u+90)/12} and 0.25 e(u+62)/6/e(u+90)/120.25\;e^{(u+62)/6}/e^{(u+90)/12}
    (thanks to Ehsan Mirzakhalili and Homero Barrocas Soares Esmeraldo)

  • Ch3.S1: in equation (3.6), a missing minus sign was added in front of alpha to give:   g(u,[   Mg   2+]   o   )=(1+β   e   u[   Mg   2+]   o   )-1,g_{\infty}(u,[\text{Mg}^{2+}]_{\text{o}})=\left(1+\beta\,{\text{e}}^{% -\alpha\,u}\,[\text{Mg}^{2+}]_{\text{o}}\right)^{-1}\,,
  • Ch4.S2: In the box 'Example: FitzHugh-Nagumo model", first sentence, the 'where' has been replaced by 'were'.
  • Ch4.S4: In Fig. 4.13A, a missing label for u ˙ = 0 \dot{u}=0 was added (this was missing only in the print version).
  • Ch4.S6: Just before Equation (4.35), "a single equation".
  • Ch4.S7: The print version is correct, but in the first online version, Equation (4.40) mistakenly contained two equations (one for u, one for m) written in a single line. The two equations have been split into two lines, giving a new Equation (4.41). Furthermore, a missing equality sign (=) has been added in the new Equation (4.41), yielding:
    dudt=f(u)-m ,\begin{split}\frac{du}{dt}&=f(u)-m,\\ \end{split} (4.40)
    ϵdmdt=-m+c(u).\begin{split} \epsilon\frac{dm}{dt}&=-m+c(u).\\ \end{split} (4.41)
    (thanks to Edward Goldman)

Part II.

  • Ch6.S2: In Table (6.1), the reference to the nonexisting panel Fig. 6.9C (last row, for type "delayed") has been removed.
  • Ch8.S1: After Eq. (8.14), the references to formulas (8.11) and (8.13) should be replaced by references to formulas (8.10) and (8.13) which cover the more general case.
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch8.S2: In the first line of Eq. (8.27), index 0 should be dropped at the epsilon (twice); and the arguments should be S(t-s) and S(t-s') instead of S(t) and S(t').
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch8.S3: In the first line of Eq. (8.41), we need to add on the right-hand side curly brackets that encapsulate the product of {[-u + ... ] p(u,t)} so that the derivative (d/du) appplies to the product of both terms.
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch8.S4: The notation of Eq. (8.45) needs some explanations. In analogy to Eq. (8.10), uo(t) denotes the noise-free trajectory for an integrate-and-fire neuron that starts at ur at time and is subject to an arbitrary time-dependent input current. For the same input current u(t | t̂) denotes a noisy trajectory that starts at ur at time and has a value u(t) at time t. The time-dependent input current contributes to the drift-term in the Fokker-Planck Eq. (8.41).
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch8.S4: A minus sign was missing inside the exponent of Eq. (8.46) and has now been added in the online version.
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch8.S4: Figure 8.11. The time constant is 10ms. The 'normalized input' mentioned for the horizontal axis is equivalent to unit-free variables with resistance and threshold equal to one.
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch8.S3: In Eq. (9.22) a 'minus theta' was added in the online version.
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)
  • Ch10.S1: After Eq. (10.1) the term max(s) is not defined. What is meant is the following. We assume that the contribution of the filter kappa is negligbile for all s larger than some maximal value. Then we define discrete time steps such that K time steps cover the range from zero to this maximal value.
    (thanks to Pierre Dauby)

Part IV.

  • Ch16.S2, Ch16.S4, Ch16.S6: The citations wrongly pointing to Ref. 544 are now pointing to Ref. 543.
  • Ch16.S4: In Eqs. (16.14) and (16.16): a missing factor of 12⁢ \frac{1}{2} was added to the first terms on both right hand sides. (thanks to Hiroaki Hamada)
  • Ch17.S2: In Eq. (17.15) the sum inside the second square brackets must run over all indices i with value of the pattern -1 (and not +1 as printed in the first edition). (thanks to Yuan Hang)
  • Ch19.S1: "Similar results on spike-time dependent synaptic plasticity have been found..." has been changed to "Similar results on spike-timing-dependent plasticity have been found...", to adhere to the common notation.
  • Ch19.S2: In Equation (19.10), second line, the inequality on the right has been changed to tpre>tpost\displaystyle t_{\mathrm{pre}}>t_{\mathrm{post}}.
  • Ch19.S2: Just after Equation (19.10), a sentence has been added: "Usually A+(w)A_{\pm}(w) is positive and A-(w)A_{\pm}(w) is negative."
  • Ch19.S2: In the legend of Fig. 19.8, panel B, the indices i and j have been switched to give ti(f)-tj(f)=10t^{(f)}_{i}-t^{(f)}_{j}=10 ms (for the top curve).
  • Ch19.S2: In Equation (19.14), the minus sign has been removed before the A-\displaystyle A_{-}.
  • Ch19.S2: In Equation (19.17), an index j has been added on the left-hand side.
  • Ch19.S2: In Equation (19.18), an index i has been added to the first u ¯ \displaystyle \bar{u}.
  • Ch19.S2: In Equation (19.18), index has been changed from i to j for x ¯ \displaystyle \bar{x}.
  • Ch19.S2: In legend of Fig. 19.9, panel B (iii), index j has been added to x ¯ \displaystyle \bar{x}.